Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
Saturday, December 15, 2007
A bunch of sickies
Saturday, December 1, 2007
My new Header

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
So... I crochet now too!

Monday, November 26, 2007
I'm a teacher : )
I went to Reno for Thanksgiving. I went into a craft store called Ben Franklin's. I was extremely excited when I saw that they had so much yarn. Up until then, all I had been exposed to was Michael's and Wal-Mart... no fun... Unfortunately, I did not get to buy anything.... but I just love looking at yarn ;) I also was on a search for a local yarn store called Deluxe Yarns in downtown Reno... my Husband and I decided that it wasn't in the best looking part of town... so we passed.
Monday, November 19, 2007
So.... I haven't knitted a thing for a week : ( I feel incomplete lol. I better get on that! I actually have to finish my Grandma's scarf. I have this fear of knitting anything else but scarves... they are so easy and fast... I like a project that doesn't take a long time... but I want to make a lot of different things... so... okay!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Already wrapped...
Lion Brand Fancy Fur in Electric Slide

Bernat Super Value in:
Peacock (for my 12 y.o. Sister, she loves blue)

Super Pink (for my 10 y.o. Sister, she loves pink)

They really looked pretty cute... I was proud :D I really hope that they like them... so now... I have one more project to start on for my Grandma... my Mom and Sisters live with her... so of course all of their gifts must be sent together :P
I made my Daughter a scarf too... I'll post a picture in my next blog... Happy Sunday!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
So... I finished something!
This is what I used:
In Walnut
This is what I made :)
I call it a lap blanket because it is the size of my lap :P
I also call it a shawl and scarf. Although it's a small scarf... it still works. Needless to say, I was happy when I finished it. I think that I am going to give it to my Mom for Christmas. To this very day, I still sleep with the two blankets that she crocheted for me when I was a baby. So, it's important to me to give her the very first thing I ever knitted and completed. I hope she likes it!
So... I bid on some Lion Brand knitting needles on eBay.... I won them! They are brand new and here is the reason why I am soooooo excited... they cost me $8.99 (plus shipping) for 5 pair! They are BRAND NEW!
Nearly $50.00 worth of needles for $8.99!
I don't think I'll get my Vickie Howell yarn : ( BOOOOO! For a straight week... I would open the mailbox... nothing : ( I've lost hope.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Where is my yarn?
I've decided to take my Cream n' Sugar yarn and make some washcloths... yeah boring... not to me silly!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
By the way...
I have yet to start a project!

"Shouldn't knitting be a relaxing thing? How can you relax with the kids screaming?"
Then he said "You should be knitting when they are sleeping..."
My response: "When there sleeping... I'm sleeping... when they take their naps... I'm doing stuff that needs to get done..."
So... my question is... when will I actually start and finish a simple project? Goodness I sound like such a complainer!